The Savage Moor
Novels & Novellas

The Savage Moor

What’s it about?

The Exmoor Beast is a creature of myth and mystery. Some think it’s a phantom. Others that it’s actually a big cat that escaped from a private collection. The bloody carcasses of deer and sheep found on the moor are often quoted as proof of its existence.

Now for the first time the Beast has taken human prey, and attacks seem to be intensifying. Ex MI5 agent Hollis is called in to investigate.

What he uncovers is more than just moorland myth. It’s a clash between a quiet farming community, and big city gangsters. Things are becoming increasingly violent, and the bodies they find have been pulverized with incredible force. Shotguns may be no match for AK47s, but it seems the people of Exmoor have a surprisingly fearsome ally.

The Savage Moor follows on from Feeding Frenzy, but the books are separate so it isn’t necessary to have read that one to enjoy this one.

Reviewed on Goodreads:

Hollis’ adventures continue. For those who liked Feeding Frenzy, The Savage Moor is an excellent follow-up. It has some twists and turns I didn’t see expecting, and it flows like a cool X-Files episode. Definitely interested in the series continuing. Good stuff. Future hopes for Hollis… at this point, I am super curious about the character and how he has become who he has become.

The Savage Moor is 121 pages, and is available as a Kindle Ebook or Paperbook here or from other good retailers here.